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Embody your divine Light 21 day Meditation & Awareness &
high vibrational living
Dec 1-21, 2024 Online
online journey with Kata van Doesselaar 
Register today with Early Bird discount!


TO reconnect to your Source

To increase your light, joy, vitality and inspiration

To birth the new Light for the next cycle (as our Sadhana finishes on 21st Dec- Winter Solstice- Moment to birth the new light
To learn ways to take care of your Liver and Kidneys for holistic wellbeing and manifestation

To support vitality and your passion

To learn how to make easy meals, smoothies, snacks and healing tonics to support your embodiment and strength and radiance

To unleash your manifestation power to the fullest and remove obstacles that may effect your flow and fulfilment.
To share a 21 day journey with the most inspiring community 


Join Kata van Doesselaar (EYRT500) experienced senior yoga teacher and teacher trainer, meditator for 30 years, for a 21 day personal journey into the Embodiment of your Light.


Kata has been working with her awareness, embodiment and manifestation processes since 30 years, and have been guiding thousands of people through transformational practices and journeys.

She loves to offer sadhanas (comited journey of practice for a defined focus , intention and time) as these are the ones that truly make a lasting change. 

She has been offering beautiful Goddess Tara, Sacred embodiment and even Lakshmi , or Mary Magdalene sadhanas for her online communities.
Now is the time to address our Embodiment of who we truly are, and increasing our light in this life. 
Anchoring a spirited presence while living a human life, and that means embodying the magic and fullness of who we truly are.. Increasing our light and our manifestation strength..especially timely as we will complete the sadhana on the 21 Dec which is the Winter solstice, which marks the rebirth of the Light. 


Sadhana means: An inner journey that you are dedicated to, and committed to walk with practices that you do each day- for a certain length of time.

For 21 days you will recieve daily sessions, including meditations and/or gentle movement sessions, lectures, high vibrational meal prep inspirations, nutritional advices, awareness talks, and manifestation practices.

You will be required to have each day time for yourself and watch these sessions, and if you wish, you can share your experience in our community group.


IS THIS 21 DAY Course FOR ME? 
If you have been feeling lately the call to connect deeper with your Spirit, to make some positive changes in your life, if you struggle with some negativity, fears, doubts, or lack of anything wish to start a more loving chapter in your life and learn to create truly the life that you dream about ...THEN YES!



Our aim is that after the 21 days - you will be able to use all the tools and practices that we learnt and practiced together, to maintain a solid connection to Your Spirit, Your Heart wisdom, your intuition and flawless creativity- in your every day life and create a more abundant, more fulfilling reality for yourself!



The course starts on the 1st of December. You will receive in your emailbox daily the sessions, so you can watch them in your won time, and of course re-watch them as many times as you wish.
All the recordings will be available for 6 months.


The sessions will be somewhere between 25-45min each day. Some shorter, some longer. Each powerful..and naturally building up always on the previous ones. 
You will get guidance each day , some small assessments, and exercises, practices to help you to embody your beautiful and powerful Light.  
21 day is what is needed to anchor a new habit in our brain. We will create a radiant new pathway in the brain, sacred body, the heart and your Soul to embody more the Light that you are and bring more of all that into your every day Life, and attract all what your heart desires deep within.

Supporting your Blossoming as a wonderful unique divine being, embracing the human part as well.

Kata’s teachings are non-religious, based on quantuum physics, ancient sacred tantric buddhism, tantric Yogini teachings, and her own deep connection and initiations she experienced with the Goddesses and her Spirit Guides.


You will be added to a beautiful private FB group, where everyone can share their Light and experiences.






- A journey to open up to receive more Love, Happiness, Wealth, Abundance and Joy in your Life
- A journey to establish healthy and positive new habits to support you on your Path
- A journey to connect deeper to Your Spirit
- A journey to enhance your intuition and activate guidance in your Life
- A journey to re-calibrate your connection to your Body and shift into a loving, appreciative place with your body and a deeper sense of communication with body, mind , heart and spirit

- A journey to learn more about how to raise your vibration with food, and superfoods
- A journey to learn to recognise subconscious limiting patterns, and clear them. 
- A journey to get more light and playfulness into your Life
- A journey to establish a daily practice, stability, loving foundation for your embodiment and learning to commit to yourself.
- A journey to activate your inner magnet to attract all beneficial and prosperous things into your Life
- A journey to learn to recognize where we limit ourselves, our Joy and abundance
- A journey to shift from No, I don’t know, I don’t believe so, I cant..Into YES I CAN. YES I AM. YES I DO.



We start the 21 days on the 1st December and we go until 21st Dec, the winter solstice. The day when the new Light is being birthed. And we will complete with a special manifestation ceremony


Once the 21 days are finished you can restart them at anytime. As the videos will be available to you for 36 month .



Choose between 3 packages now with great discount! 

STANDARD PACKAGE: 222€ /pers.​ with Early Bird discount till 10 October for the first 10 people,  Regular fee afterwards 250€


SHINE PACKAGE: 288€/pers - Early bird  Includes a 60 min Akasha records clearing session (value 120€) - to clear blockages (from past life or subconscious) (VALUE 370€)
Regular fee after Oct 10: 333

BIG SHIFT package: 444€ with Early bird discount- which includes 3 akashic records clearing session of 60 min (value: 120€ each) - VALUE 582€
Regular fee after the 10th Oct 515€


The fee includes recipes, teachings, all video sessions access for 6 month.  

Looking forward to share this magical journey and the magical Creation process of a New You.


Blessings, Kata van Doesselaar



First of all, thank you so much for these beautiful guided 21 days of tara meditation.

I felt such a strong connection with the circle since day 1 (each time I felt warmth in my arms and I really felt support) and a really comfortable energy each time that I sat down in «my own temple». I had the impression as if «you could read my thoughts» because each time that you were talking about something, I could «apply» it to my life or see something linked to that in my life. In general I would say that this tara journey enabled me to stay more centered, connected with myself, to trust even more my own intentions and to disconect from the actual world situation. 

It was so lovely and I am so happy that I could participate.

Thank you!!

And finally I when I did my 21st day and I had 3 Taras with me: Golden, Blue turquoise and Black.

The word that came to me most during this experience has been “BELIEVE”. Believe in the Self, in Life, in Love.

I remember every single word you share and offer as wisdom drops. THANK YOU SO MUCH.     

I know that as I invite a Goddess she will come, and I learnt it just now, thanks to you.  "A"


Thank you so much Kata!

These 21 days have been amazing and so eye-opening for me. 

I've really connected with the practice. 

Tops: I loved it even so much more than I imagined at the beginning. You had such a beautiful intro’s, they touched me so much and I felt so much recognition.. I loved the visualizations of the golden circle, it helped me to stay connected with all the beautiful taralights... and I feld the light from them in me and radiant it through my back to all this loved ones behind and next to me. Never forget this I became more interested in my ancestors.. feel more connected, it made me realize that I carry them too... I feel the attention and connection for myself and others and love to be more and more with myself and feeling what is there to explore. Curious what it brings every time.. And the call for guidance, to trust this is such a big change for me.. it gives me a new feeling, I feel i am carried.. I have made two big decisions and it felt so Natural... and I was as I said looking forward to it, to be with me, with the others, with Tara... to feel the love and peace.. So this weekend I will start the 21 days again! "M"


Thank you for the amazing 21 Day Tara Sadhana. I can honestly say that the word transformational is not even a powerful enough word to describe how this has changed me and what I can now see!! At the beginning of the 21 day Sadhana, I found the visualisations immediately powerful. Although meditation has been a daily part of my practice for some time now, I have never experienced the TRUE connection to self. To my actual me and what is inside. Being able to visualise the Taras, with the colours, the lights, her messages and qualities and then ultimately realising that she is me, she is my soul and spirit and every time I meditate with Tara, I am in fact delving deep into my own soul visualising and chanting her amazingly powerful mantras I am revealing and discovering hidden and lost natural qualities of my soul. I can feel my soul shining through and with every thought and feeling coming from my heart, possibilities and manifestations are a real (although historically mystical and magical) and achievable part of my life now. My family and friends have noticed the change and I cannot honestly thank you enough for your guidance, support, interconnected energetical thoughts and just knowing you are there to drink in the wonderful words of wisdom and love. "Ch"

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