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50Hrs Sound healing Fundamental accredited training with Kata & Erno van Doesselaar in Ibiza & Special guest teacher Flavio Salvaje

DATES: Oct 27 - Nov 1, 2024 
LOCATION: San Miguel, North of Ibiza 

Beautiful traditional finca in the country side.  

JOIN US WITH DEPOSIT ONLY of €600 & pay the rest later.

We have been dreaming and preparing for this training for quite some years now, as we both are passionate of sound, music, chanting, and instruments, holding sacred healing space. Now is the time, and Yes we truly believe, sound healing is more needed NOW than ever before!


Join us for a personal awareness, high vibrational retreat - where you not only going to deepen your won awareness, conscious perception about vibration and presence, but also will learn the solid fundamentals to offer nourishing and healing sound baths with many different instruments and tools.


In this fundamental module we are introducing you to many different tools such as crystal bowls, tuning forks, tibetan bowls, gong, handpan, shamanic drum, shruti box, and your own voice, chanting, to initiate you into this world of sound therapy.
Blending theory with experimental practices, and of course meditations and daily soundbaths each tailored for a different will be guided to orientate yourself where do you wish to start this journey or evolve further and what instrument or tool is calling you especially to work with for yourself and with others.. And this is how the journey begins..


Gaining understanding but also open up to sense , feel, flow and create through vibration and intentions.


Holding a sacred space, setting up the energy, invoking the supportive powers to make sure your session will be balanced and truly what YOU or your students/clients need.


How to tune into a group/persons needs to be able to offer a session that truly meets their needs. How to make sure your participants ground fully after their sound journey. What is important and what to avoid in order to give a professional and soulful session. 
Where to draw your inspiration from, how to keep evolving as a sound healer.




  • History of Sound Healing

  • How does sound healing work? The frequency of Sound

  • What instruments do I need to have?

  • How to take care of your instruments and keep them in good shape?

  • How to play? The technical part

  • Learning to play Crystal Bowls - different techniques

  • How to combine Crystal Bowls and play them together

  • Binaural beats and crystal bowls

  • Learning to play Tibetan singing bowls

  • Using singing bowls for individual sessions

  • Using the Gong as instrument

  • Using tuning forks, koshis

  • Discovering new instruments - using the Handpan in sound healing

  • Special workshop with Flavio Salvaje on sound awareness

  • The most underrated instrument - Our Voice

  • How to set up a sound healing session?

  • Preparing and clearing a space

  • Setting up your instruments for the session

  • How to lead a sound healing session for a group

  • Working with sound healing privately (1-0-1)

  • Ending the session - grounding- full presence & feedback​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

We will be joined by extraordinary handpan artist & teacher Flavio Salvaje 

to offer an in depth workshop and lecture on the art of listening, exploring sound, awareness and handpan. He will conclude the day with a private concert.
Flavio is well known for his deep way of expression with the handpan and invites listeners on a journey of curiosity and introspection. 


A well rounded training that Kata & Erno & Flavio are offering to you, to provide you with a solid base of Sound Healing teachings.


7.45-8.45 Daily Yoga session with Kata

8.45: Yogic breakfast /snack

9.15- 11: Soundhealing session and lecture

11-12. Brunch

12-13.30 Soundhealing experimental time and space

13.30-16.00 Afternoon break

16.00-16.30 Snack time

16.30- 19.00 Soundhealing session, lecture and teaching lab

19.00 Dinner

20.30-21.00 Evening meditation or philosophy and awareness talk.


In the afternoon breaks we will have hikes, and beach times as well, to make sure you have enough movement.



Blessings & Love ♥

​​Kata & Erno van Doesselaar

Our Island

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Hikes & nature time

Yummy clean vegan meals


Magic spots & Rituals


Our Practice space


Prices & Reservation
LAST 2 SPOTS available - we will be FULL soon


REGULAR PRICE: €1700 all incl. regular fee

-5 nights at our beautiful yoga villa in shared double rooms with shared bathroom
- vegan breakfast,  brunch and dinner - the yummiest healthy meals

- 6 days of program including daily yoga, meditation, soundhealing sessions, theory, teaching labs. nature time.
- Sacred rituals and excursions to powerspots on Ibiza , water Soul purification ceremony

- OPTIONAL : massages at extra cost.




REGULAR PRICE: €1950 all incL. regular fee 

- 5 nights at our beautiful villa in single room with shared bathroom -luxury suite (only one other person shared bathroom) and AC - Or normal single room
- vegan breakfast, brunch & dinner  and snacks- yummy healthy meals
- 6 days of program including daily yoga, soundhealing sessions, theory, teaching labs. Meditation and nature time. 
Sacred rituals and excursions to powerspots on Ibiza, water Soul purification ceremony
LUXURY single room : €100 extra.



POLICY: You can book your spot with a €600 deposit, which is non-refundable and non-transferrable. We recommend you book a travel insurance, so that in case of any inconvenience you will be covered. 

Upon completion you will receive a 50hrs Yoga Alliance approved certificate that you can add as continous education hours, or build up to 200hrs or 300hrs Certification.

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